Born on the 31st October 1947 at Tlemcen (Algeria), the Algerian film-maker Jean-Pierre Lledo, is Jewish-Berber by his mother and Spanish by his father.
Threatened by Islamic fundamentalists, he left Algeria in 1993.
In 1976 he obtained the VGIK diploma for fictional production at the Moscow Institute of Cinema.
In the 1980s he made two full-length fictional films, ‘The Empire of Dreams’ and ‘Lights’ (‘Lumières’) and a dozen medium length documentaries.
Since 1994, in France, he has been making documentaries including four full-length films.
‘Lisette Vincent, an Algerian woman’.
‘An Algerian Dream’, which was selected for the San Sebastian Festival in 2003 and won the first prize for a documentary film in Montreal in 2004.
‘Algerias, my Phamtoms’, selected in 2005 for the Festival of New York, ArteEast.
‘Algeria, Unspoken Stories’, forbidden in Algeria since 2007
‘Israel, the forbidden journey’’, his new movie will be finished in 2019.
This movie is composed of 4 parts (2.30 each) : Kippour / Hanoukka / Pourim / Pessah
Written, filmed and directed by Jean Pierre Lledo
Produced in Israel by Ziva Postec Movies and in France by Naouel Films.
The Chief editor is Ziva Postec, Chief-Editor of ‘Shoah’ (the film by Claude Lanzmann).